Saturday, November 7, 2009

Okay, change of plans

So I suck at blogging. Strike that. (I would myself, but can't figure out how) I suck at making time to blog.

However, I had this epiphany in the shower tonight. This blog just acquired a purpose: to follow my adventures as I go off and find my way. But first, this bitch has about 50 lbs to drop. Yes, I said fifty pounds. Can't very well go off and change the world if I need a break after the first flight of stairs. Remember I said this epiphany came in the shower?? It started in the bath. . . when I had to roll the fat on my thighs around in order to reach all that needed shaving. That was the last straw. So this is my "Julie & Julia" experiment or my Jennsylvania.

I ate a 13.8 ounces of Tootsie Roll Midgets in the past two days. I hate Halloween candy. But I did do 12 minutes of indoor cycling, that was until my 2.5 yr old nephew demanded my full and absolute attention. I never finished the goal of one half-hour. Hmph. That will be tomorrow's goal: 30 minutes before the toddler awakes.

Well here we are. And away we go!

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