Thursday, November 19, 2009

Motivation. Found.

I just returned from a beautiful weekend in Knoxville. It was the regional rugby all star tournament, and since I not only manage the local side but also the regional side I was in attendance. A Saturday filled will tip-top, in-shape athletes will knock reality clear into view. My "I-have-to-climb-a-mountain-in-June" motivation just turned into "I-have-to-climb-a-mountain-in-June-with-superior-athletes-and-I-will-not-be-the-fatass-that-can't-keep-up" motivation. So there it is. The thing is, I'm not sure who was doing the most judging. . . me or them. Either way, it's on.

On that note, the healthier eating isn't going so well. I'm sure the fact that money is tight and good groceries are luxury at the moment isn't helping. The cold weather and comfort food might be playing a negative role as well. Either way, I'm out there hitting the pavement. Walking one mile a day will soon be two. My joints hurt from carrying around all this extra. . . . . . insulation.

Have I mentioned that I have never felt more unworthy than I did at this tournament?? Not in high school, not in the sorority, not around these snotty overseas rugby players. I wanted to start running right then; run home from Knoxville.

I'm home now (I drove. All. 12. hours) and still as motivated.

Until next time,

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