Monday, April 26, 2010

The results are in!

So trainer-boy and I have a love/hate relationship. I hate the fact I love him so. He's amazing!! Today I finally was able to hop up a half-flight of stairs without stopping! THEN he made me do it one foot. Let's just say that one will need more practice. (and the devil) I've lost 15 inches, in all the right places, in 4 weeks. That's quite impressive seeing as I hadn't lost 15 inches the whole time I was with the other trainer. I keep telling him it's his beautiful blue eyes, and his friendly smile, and the fact he calls me "Sunshine" when I'm about to keel over or when he tells me "you have however-many-more left, anyone can do that many." In other words, This. Kid's. Got. Me. Pegged.

And I love it.

However, you know you still have a way to go when tanning is more calculating than relaxing. I can shave in the bath with a bit more ease, but I can NOT jump in the tanning bed and relax without fears of white lines from my fat wrinkles. It's a disturbing realization. And one I hope the salon attendant can't hear over the wind-tunnel going on in my super MegaSun 360.

30 Seconds to Mars this Saturday!!! Kelly and I are so ready for this much needed mini-vacation. I just hope sexy Jared Leto stops hacking up his lung in time. He sounded pit.e.ful. during a radio interview end of last week. The weather needs to fix its attitude quick. We have plans to bathe in the glow of sunshine and Leto brothers Saturday, not rain. KThanks.

It's a shame I remember all the things I've wanted to write about over when I sit down. Must do this more often. . . Until next time!

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