Saturday, April 3, 2010

Chris Martin said it best:

"and it was all yellow."

Spring has sprung with a vengeance down here. The roses are just about to bloom, the azaleas are already blooming, the vegetable garden is planted, and the herb garden is . . . herbing? and all is right in the world today.

I fired my previous trainer and hired a new one. This guy is ah-maze-ing. By amazing I mean, I fire him at the end of every session but show up the next day for more. (should that be hyphenated? oh well, the grammar police will just have to deal with it.) I haven't lost anything on the scale but I can see, feel, and measure a difference.

My darling friend that lost her husband has the grace only God could provide. Or she's on meds no one knows about. But her life seems to be going wonderful these days, all things considered. She and I are going on a road trip in 27 days.

30 Seconds to Mars. . . here comes trouble. And I. Am. Obsessed. Not like screaming-for-RPatz-obsessed, but I just can't get enough of the their music, their mind, their. . .  Twitter! Bah, I told you I was obsessed. They'll be in Seattle/Portland May 10/11, respectively, and I'm finding it hard to justify NOT going.  But for Dallas I have my Seraphim wristband and will be stocking up on glo-bracelets and and TRIAD paraphernalia. (convinced of my obsession yet?) And the sad part is that I'm only the at the tip of the MARS ARMY iceberg. . .

I hear there's a long way to go to becoming a true :30STM aficionado. Let the games begin.

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