Monday, September 20, 2010

Don't follow this yogi

or Music Monday

I'm so Frustrated. This is supposed to be a journey about balance. And I feel even more out of whack than I did before.
And I'm starving. We all know how productive a starving body is. It's not that I'm craving the things I've decided to step away from for 12 weeks. It's just I've run out food options. And it's not like I live in a place conducive to this lifestyle. If I have to eat another bite of yogurt, I will throw up. So I bought avocados and sweet potatoes to spice things up. I wish I was brave enough to try/had a clue what to do with tofu. My body needs the protein it was used to getting in small increments 6 times a day. Now?? Notsomuch.

Also, this one-hour-fourty-five minute drive each way is really getting old. I've becomes an iTunes addict. I think I've gotten four new albums in as many weeks. But I keep blaring 30 Seconds to Mars album THIS IS WAR on repeat. (find it here) (also, watch the brilliance of Jared Leto, Bartholomew Cubbins here) So it's a bit of a waste. Although I am now in super love with Mumford & Sons newest album "Sigh No More." And on that note, I leave you with my favorite track at the moment. Enjoy (you might need to give it a second to load)

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