Friday, December 26, 2014

Another Year Gone

Everywhere I look, there are year-in-reviews challenging my pop culture IQ and my memories. Because there is just no way that Ellen selfie (I despise that word) happened 11 months ago. I'd like to think I learned a few things along the way. And hopefully forgot a few bad habits, too.

The most exciting part of this year is that it has set up 2015 to be even better. New adventures, old friends, growing career, and trying new things.

2013 was all about (self) discovery.  2014 was focused on exploration.

2015 will be the year I try new things. I will say yes even though I'm scared, or don't know all the intricate details.  It will be the year I step (or am thrust violently) outside my comfort zone, trust someone else knows better, and just go.