Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Thank God for the FedEx Lady

I have cultivated a personal relationship with my FedEx delivery lady. She's beyond beautiful and super friendly and I get to see her today!

That being said, I should probably aspire to read higher-brow material. But while I find something more appropriate for my age, I will be spending the next week or so reading these two gems!!

Jeneration X; One Reluctant Adult's Attempt to Unarrest Her Arrested Development; Or, Why It's Never Too Late for Her Dumb Ass to Learn Why Froot Loops Are Not for Dinner (which can be found here)

"Nothing less than the mortal world is at stake when the Kane family fulfills its destiny in this thrilling conclusion to the Kane Chronicles." (and can be found here)

I dont' even think this counts as YA since it's written for 5th and 6th grade readers. But sometimes you just need an innocent foray into the world, right? 

So there you have it. After the dreaded Finals Week has been put behind me, I will laugh my ass off at everything Jen has to say and feverishly read for the Kane children's lives.

You should join me.